
WaveComponentData interface

Data specification for WaveComponent, see ComponentManager.create() on how to create a component


export interface WaveComponentData extends Component3DData 

Extends: Component3DData


color?number(Optional) Color of the wave lines. Defaults to 0xffffff
direction-1Direction of the wave circles: 1 means outwards, -1 means inwards. Defaults to -1
divisions?number(Optional) Higher values will result in a more detailed wave mesh geometry. Defaults to 100
height?number(Optional) Height of the wave. Defaults to 0.5
id?string(Optional) if not provided, an auto id will be generated
lines?number(Optional) Number of lines in the wave. Defaults to 4
linewidth?number(Optional) Width of the wave lines. Defaults to 0.14
name?string(Optional) name for the component. Defaults to ""
position?XYZ(Optional) Position of the component in the space. Defaults to {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
radius?number(Optional) Radius of the wave. Defaults to 5
rotation?XYZ(Optional) Rotation of the component in the space. Defaults to {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}