
DustComponentData interface

Data specification for DustComponent, see ComponentManager.create() on how to create a component


export interface DustComponentData extends Component3DData 

Extends: Component3DData


condition?null(Optional) Condition for the dust to spawn. Defaults to null
decaySpeed?number(Optional) Speed at which the dust will disappear. Defaults to 1.5
id?string(Optional) if not provided, an auto id will be generated
name?string(Optional) name for the component. Defaults to ""
randomXZ?number(Optional) Randomness of the dust spawn position. Defaults to 0.9
scale?number(Optional) Scale of the dust. Defaults to 1
spawnDistance?number(Optional) Minimum distance the target must move before the dust is spawned. Defaults to 2
spawnSource?XYZ(Optional) Spawn position of the dust spawn source relative to the target. Defaults to {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
targetObject3DOnce created, the dust will follow the target