

Behaviors are reusable pieces of code that can be attached directly to Components through the oncyber Studio UI.

Minimal Behavior

To create a new Behavior, open a new script tab and insert the following code:

import { ScriptBehavior } from '@oo/scripting'
export default class ExampleBehavior extends ScriptBehavior {

Save your script, then hover over one of your added Components in the right-hand column of the oncyber Studio UI, and you'll see a "+" icon appear.

Clicking that will open a list of any Behaviors added to that scene. Selecting one will attach it to the selected Component.


Once a Behavior is attached to a Component, the Component will turn into a group with the Behavior name parented/nested below in purple, signifying that it has been applied.

Note: you cannot delete a script that contains a Behavior or a Component if you have an instance of it currently in your scene.

Adding Actions to a Behavior

Currently, this Behavior is just an empty UI shell -- next, we need to add code for functionality.

Let's try a simple rotation as a demonstration:

import { ScriptBehavior } from '@oo/scripting'
export default class ExampleBehavior extends ScriptBehavior {
    private speed = 0.5;
    onUpdate(deltaTime: number) { += this.speed * deltaTime;

Note of the usage of in the code above; since Behaviors are attached directly to a Component, you can access the objects they're attached to easily using this syntax.

In the same manner as Custom Components, Behaviors can also access different lifecycle methods, such as onUpdate.

Now, try previewing your game -- the Component you've attached the Behavior to should rotate.

Adding Frontend Customization Through Parameters

Parameters allow you to add additional frontend modularity to a Behavior by creating UX fields that a user can tweak in the Studio.

In this example, let's allow to the user to adjust the speed of rotation through the frontend:

import { ScriptBehavior, Param } from '@oo/scripting'
export default class ExampleBehavior extends ScriptBehavior {
    @Param({ type: "number", step: 0.1 })
    private speed = 0.5;
    onUpdate = (deltaTime: number) => { += this.speed * deltaTime;

Save the Behavior, and select it in the right-hand column -- you should now be able to adjust the rotation speed parameter with a slider through the frontend:


Find a list of available Params here.

Adding Folders to the Behavior UI

If you want to organize your Behavior's frontend UI for better UX, you can partition settings by using the @Folder decorator:

import { ScriptBehavior, Param, Folder } from '@oo/scripting'
export default class ExampleBehavior extends ScriptBehavior {
    @Folder("Folder 1")
    @Param({ type: "number", step: 0.1, min: 0, max: 1 })
    private param1 = 0.1;
    @Param({ type: "text" })
    private param2 = "";
    @Folder("Folder 2")
    @Param({ type: "boolean" })
    private param3 = false;
    @Param({ type: "color" })
    private param4 = "#ffffff";

Though largely cosmetic, Folders are a great way to keep your Behavior UI clean and clear.

alt text


Behaviors have access to additional config options for further customization:

import { ScriptBehavior } from '@oo/scripting'
export default class ExampleBehavior extends ScriptBehavior {
    static config = {
        title: "Display Name",
        description: "description of the behavior",
        tip: "tip on how to use the behavior",

Docs Companion: Remixable Sample Behavior

For a simple example that you can view and remix (to see the code and settings from the Studio side yourself), go here: (opens in a new tab)