
MeshComponentData interface

Data specification for MeshComponent, see ComponentManager.create() on how to create a component


export interface MeshComponentData extends Component3DData 

Extends: Component3DData


color?string(Optional) Color of the mesh. Defaults to "#ff0000"
display?boolean(Optional) Whether the mesh should be displayed at start. Defaults to true
geometry?MeshGeometryData(Optional) Geometry of the mesh. Defaults to a Box with a size of 1
id?string(Optional) if not provided, an auto id will be generated
name?string(Optional) name for the component. Defaults to ""
opacity?number(Optional) Opacity of the mesh. Defaults to 1
position?XYZ(Optional) Position of the component in the space. Defaults to {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation?XYZ(Optional) Rotation of the component in the space. Defaults to {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
scale?XYZ(Optional) Scale of the component in the space. Defaults to {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}