Events variable
An object containing all the events that can listened from scripting.
Events: typeof ScriptEvents
import { Emitter, Events } from "@oo/scripting"
// ...
Emitter.on(Events.KEY_DOWN, handler)
// ... later, handler)
Currently the following events are supported
KEY_DOWN - The event triggered when a key is pressed down.
KEY_UP - The event triggered when a key is released.
MOUSE_DOWN - The event triggered when a mouse button is pressed down.
MOUSE_MOVE - The event triggered when the mouse is moved.
MOUSE_UP - The event triggered when a mouse button is released.
TOUCH_MOVE - The event triggered when a touch point is moved.
TOUCH_START - The event triggered when a touch point is initially placed on the touch surface.
TOUCH_END - The event triggered when a touch point is removed from the touch surface.
WHEEL - The event triggered when the mouse wheel is scrolled.
GAME_SPACE_LOADED - The event triggered when the game space has finished loading all the components.
GAME_READY - The event triggered when the game is ready to start.
GAME_START - The event triggered when the game is started.
GAME_DISPOSE - The event triggered when the game is disposed.
GAME_END - The event triggered when the game ends.
GAME_PRE_UPDATE - The event triggered before the game update. This event happens before the physics update.
GAME_UPDATE - The event triggered during each frame of the game update loop.
GAME_NOTIFY_PAUSE - The event triggered when the game notifies a pause.
GAME_NOTIFY_RESUME - The event triggered when the game notifies a resume.